Thursday 2 May 2013

Starting A-fresh!

The sun is out, the birds are singing and spring is definitely here (and hopefully here to stay)! With that in mind I have decided that a toe dipping into the world of blogging is long overdue and I am going to take the change in seasons to make some life changes -starting with trying to stay committed to my blog! I have twice before and failed but not this time Sir! 

With all of this in mind I can't say that I've decided what I want to write about in this blog, just that I want to create a space where I can discuss my passions, air my frustrations and hopefully join a community of like minded people!

So, first things first, who am I?! Well, my name is Selina and I am a 19 year old first year university geography student. I live in the U.K but have also lived in Germany in the past (the BEST!) I have a slight obsession with make-up and a full blown hoarding problem with nail varnish (I think I had 60 on my last count..) but most of all I just like to have a good time chatting with people, partying (I promise I never get TOO drunk) and watching an unhealthy number of Youtube videos!

So now that I've introduced you to me, tell me a little bit about you, I'd love to get to know some new people on here!